It's Comments and I helped...
Comments...My Bad
Hi People,
My friend Donald wrote me the other day, and he was all, "I was gonna comment, but I had to register and blah blah blah." So I went and looked and I figured out that (1) I am a retard cause I didn't check my pages settings. (B) I'm sorry if that is why people didn't comment and I kept whining about people leaving comments and it was setup in a very difficult way to do. (Lastly) I have set it up so it is as easy as possible so if you wanted to leave comments but didn't cause I am a BLOGTARD, feel free to do so now. Thanks and we'll talk to you on show #7.
Now It's full of Joy and Joyness...YAY!!!
I am glad to have helped! It's no 'Shake n' Bake' but I feel as if I helped.....your show is GREAT!
8:59 AM, August 25, 2006
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