Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Tastes Like Burning #1 Intro Show

Now Streaming!!!

A little rambling, a little about us and why we are here, and a rather large thank you list. Please leave feedback on the blog or email us at . . .


Blogger John said...

Phew -
I thought when James said that first podcast he listened to was icky I was thinking to myself "oh no - I'm sorry"...thinking it was our show. Perhaps we should have some listener tagline like "Phew - Glad you don't hate us"

BTW - I am still fighting my "um" and "like" demons. I listen back to myself and often cringe. I want my podcasting chair to be hooked up to a electric shock device to get me to break that habit. Timmy - maybe we should have a contest for fewest crutch terms per minute of a future episode ??

9:09 AM, August 12, 2006

Blogger Tim said...

I like the sound of that, though, I would not win that contest, because I edited out SO MANY umms and clicks, (my clicks not the mouses). The show was 40 minutes, but after my Um editing, it was 30.
Ok not that bad, but it could have been.

7:30 AM, August 14, 2006

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6:07 PM, April 03, 2007


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