Friday, August 18, 2006

Tastes Like Burning #5

Terror Alert, Terrorism is Bullshit, Give Me A Dollar...Bitch, Spensive Cookies, and other crap...

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Blogger John said...

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6:59 PM, August 18, 2006

Blogger John said...

I don't mind the requests for money at Petsmart. I say yes everytime (in fact, just said yes yesterday). But want to punch the kids asking for random money. When someone rings my doorbell and I answer the door and see a kid standing there my mind says "oh fuck".

Also, I know where James got the $600,000 figure for the AOL thing...They said at one point these guys were bringing in up to $600K per month. So yeah, the total was in the millions.

7:00 PM, August 18, 2006

Blogger Tim said...

Well I totally agree with giving money for animals, they deserve it more than people do usually. Next time, since it is school season, and a kid rings our bell, I will punch them just for you guys. Thanks for listening and commenting, cant wait for the next JaW.....Tim

7:35 PM, August 19, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

10:29 PM, December 17, 2009


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